The ultimate way to find the owner of the property.
Submitting payment takes you to the page where you can give us the property information.
Having trouble locating a property owner?
If you know the property would yield a good profit, but cannot find the property owner, there’s no need to abandon a perfectly good investment opportunity. Somebody owns the property and is responsible for it. It may not have been listed for sale for a variety of reasons. An online search may not lead to the correct person as the owner and you are wasting your time.
You’re a professional at identifying great investment properties. Now let a professional private investigator locate the current property owner for you. Our Live PI’s have ways to locate the property owner efficiently through skip tracing. Get the results that PAY.

Property Owner Skip Tracing is Worth It
Vacant properties often generate the best deals. However, when the owner seemingly cannot be found, many investors give up and abandon the deal. Tracing property owners who are hardest to find simply takes too long.
Having a Live Pi skip trace the property owner gives you a competitive edge, saves time, and produces results. Private investigators are experts at skip tracing.
No Hit – No Fee Guarantee
There is a minuscule chance the property owner skip trace search results come back as a no-hit. In that unfortunate event, your payment will be refunded to you minus $10 to cover payment processing costs.
There is never a subscription cost and all searches are, of course, confidential.
Searches: Mon-Fri 8 am-8 pm EST
Live PI is available 24/7