You Owe Me Money, Deadbeat
Cases involving a client in search of a debtor are by no means rare. People who owe money take off and disappear. A deadbeat dad or mom and ex-tenants are common examples, but not the only ones. Usually, the client wants to serve court papers, but are unable to locate the deadbeat debtor. How can you remind someone: “Hey, you owe me money,” if you can’t find them?
The Deadbeat Vanishes
These people are harder to find, because they try to cover their tracks. Usually, the more they owe, the harder it can be to find them. People who owe money to others move, maybe more than once, and their current address won’t show up in public records searches. Also, they change their phone number and service provider, and the new number wouldn’t come up in searches, either. This often happens with a deadbeat dad or mom. Sometimes they get married or change their name.
That is when Live PI comes to the rescue. As an example, I picked a recent case that was not too hard to solve. The search took place during an online chat, which can happen, if the debtor is easy to locate. The client was actually looking to find the daughter, though they started with the father thinking he would be easier to locate. All personal information has been erased and replaced by x’s in order to keep the transaction confidential. Sorry if that causes you inconvenience while reading the story of this case.
Finding a Deadbeat Debtor
Client: Hello. I’m looking for someone’s mailing address and phone number. Please advise if you can help. Please see below info: The name of the person is Xxx Xxx, Facebook profile https://www.facebook. com/ All I know is that he lives somewhere in the U.S (possibly in Tennessee) with his daughter Xxx Xxx and her husband Xxx Xxx I’m seeking the mailing address and telephone number so that I can reach Xxx Xxx or possibly his daughter and/or son-in-law. Please advise. Thank you in advance.
Live PI: Yes, we can possibly provide the subjects current address, but the phone number does not always come up in our people search. If it does, there will be no additional fee. But if it does not, we could run a search on the subject’s current cell phone number. Place the order and we’ll provide the requested information.
Client: Hello and thank you for replying. Please find the mailing address and phone number for Xxx Xxx or his wife Xxx Xxx or daughter Xxx Xxx or son-in-law Xxx Xxx. One address and one phone number is ok. Please advise. Thank you.
Live PI: Well, we can certainly conduct a search. Once you place the order, we will begin searching. If no hit is found, you will be refunded.
Client: Ok, I will purchase asap.
Live PI: Standing by…
[Client places the order.]
Live PI: Thank you. Now then, could the daughter possibly be using the following first name Xxx Xxx? Age 43. This person is living with Xxx Xxx.
Client: I think you’re on the right track. Her verified mailing address and contact number are all I need. Thank you.
Live PI: We can easily confirm with stating that you are looking to reconnect with Mrs. Xxx. Can we use your name to verify your subject? If so what is your name?
Client: She has a debt with me, so when I tried to tell her you owe me money in Facebook, it only drove her away more. Is there any other way? Maybe saying that she has won a winning contest (money) and needs to verify identity by providing the full name of her father and her current mailing address and contact number.
Live PI: Here’s your delivery from PeopleSearchLive.
Live PI: Hold on, just spoke to her and confirmed the telephone number. So, now it is actually verified, as well. You’re good to go.
Client: Hello. Do you also have her mailing address? Thanks.
Client: Please disregard my last message. I see the address and phone number in the order delivery. Is there any way to verify this before we complete the order? Kindly ask her the name of her father to verify that you’ve successfully located the right person. Thanks very much for your kind understanding.
Live PI: The subject that I provided lives at the same address to the husband that you provided. This is the correct person. When I run a search on relationships it also comes back to the husband. If you have any additional needs, please do not hesitate to contact your Live PI. Thank you for your business.
Client: Yes, now I got it. Thank you so very much for your professional work.
Case Solved, Debtor Found
If you want to try to locate the person who owes you money on your own, you can try following the advice in Free Online People Search vs Premium People Search Services. Most likely, it will not be easy, though. Often, these type of people don’t want you to find them and keep a low profile, so you’d find very little information online.
Conclusion: When you’re having to deal with a debtor who owes you money and is hiding, let an investigator take control of your investigation. A private investigator has the experience to cross-reference data and find the right person. They also can verify that the information is correct and current. Afterwards, you’re able to get your “you owe me money” message through and collect.
In this case, the subject was easy to find, because there was enough information to start the search. All the investigator needs is some solid preliminary data to conduct the investigation. Names, old addresses, age (or better yet, date of birth), social media accounts… Every tidbit of information you can provide will lead to a good end result. Remember that there is never any charge if PeopleSearchLive cannot locate your deadbeat.